Bristol & District League

We have three teams that play in the Bristol & District league. This involves playing classical rated chess matches over the board, with a time control of 1:20 hours and 10 second increment.

Matches take place on weekdays starting at 19:30 and can last until 23:00. The matches are played in and around Bristol from September to April, with home games being in the Gromit Room (Bristol SU) on Thursday evenings.

The league caters to a wide range of strengths, with International Masters playing on the top boards in Division 1 and casual chess players playing in the lower divisions.

For current players, do note you have to purchase ECF membership before participating in your fourth league game.

If you are interested in participating in the league, we encourage you to contact our team captains at the bottom of the page. We always have room to give new players a chance to play!

Our BUCA 2019 Team!
A-Team captain Dan Savidge receiving the Bristol & Disctrict League’s Shield for having won the 2021-2022 season!
The shield at a pub on full display!

Each year in February we compete in the British Universities’ Chess Championship (BUCA). We submit teams of different ability to compete in the four divisions.
In 2019, we sent our largest ever cohort of 5 teams, with 2 playing in the bottom division. Our B team won gold in the second division!

We welcome all interested players, only requiring the total amount of players to be divisible by 4. The cost of the trip in 2019 was roughly £70, and included transport, hotel costs and entry fees. If you are interested, contact A-Team Captain Dan Savidge.

Team captains:
Samson Main, C Team Captain:
Jonas Zurba, B Team Captain:
James Clarke, A Team Captain:

Bristol & District League Standings:

18th October 2023